Monday, March 30, 2009

Signs of Spring....

Just a quick note to say we are seeing a few signs of spring here at the Cunningham household. We are doing a little spring cleaning by purging 9 garbage bags of toys and clothes to Goodwill. Boy, did that feel good! We rearranged the girls' rooms and put together a couple of shelves too. 34 screws and 90 nails later, each girl had a new organized place to keep their if I could just get Eliza to use her hamper.

We also started opening up some windows and letting in the fresh air.

Here are a couple of photos of the kitties enjoying the sun and breeze yesterday.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Word of the Year...

Wow! It has been 2 months since my last blogpost. I have been a little down in the dumps lately questioning how much time I spend away from friends and family and if it is really worth it. I am on a committee at work to investigate solutions for the general work/life balance problem we have at Aviva Investors as well, which is sort of ironic. I may not be the best person to solve the problem given that I have such an imbalance myself. However, thinking about the issues revealed by this committee has finally lead me to figure out what my word of the year should be:

BALANCE. Balance work and home; balance working and playing; balance time with Danny and time with the girls; balance working on the various committees and customers at work with managing people

Let's hope by the end of this year that I am more in balance. Wish me luck.