Sunday, October 19, 2008

Exciting Sunday morning...

We have had some excitement at the Cunningham household this morning...

Skylar woke us up with the news that Ryobi was under her bed, and she couldn't get her out. Next thing we know, Skylar is yelping about a mouse. Danny went in to investigate, and you wouldn't believe the mess he found. He said the toys and games under her bed were piled so high that the bed could sit there without the frame. : ) He didn't know where to start to try and catch the little mouse. They started digging and filling a garbage bag with the toys Skylar forgot she even had from under her bed. The mouse kept trying to hide, and they kept throwing the hiding places out. A few minutes later the mouse was found and Skylar's room looked like a tornado hit it!!! She spent the next 3 hours filling 3 garbage bags. It is amazing the mounds of stuff we accumulate! Just amazing! I think every sock she owned was under there too. No wonder she never has any to wear. Why is it so hard for the kids to use a hamper?!?!

More drama. While Danny was arming himself with a broom and dustpan to deal with the mouse, he noticed the garbage bags in the garage had a hole in them much larger than a mouse would create. He noticed that things were knocked off shelves and a few other things were pushed over in the garage. He wondered if a small dog got in our garage when it was open for a couple of hours last night. He opened the door in case it still hadn't left and started investigating. He moved a couple of items and suddenly jumped back! "It's a possum!", he said. The girls and I slammed the garage door and left Danny in there to shoo him out on his own. We ran to the front door, so we could see when the creature left the garage. We were cracking up listening to Danny. "You're going the wrong way...Get out of here...Don't go that way." As if possums speak English... A minute or so later, Eliza says, "I see it." We all watched the front yard as the little gray butt scurried out of our yard and across the street. His little gray waddle and skinny pink tail were actually kind of cute. Danny yelled, "Did you see the size of that thing? I think we have R.U.S.s in our yard. " (RUSs are monstrous Rodents of Unusual Size from the Princess Bride movie). Too funny. Never a lack of drama at our house...never.

We have some news on a lighter note too. Eliza read a couple of sentences to me today. The first one was: Eliza is on the rug. The second one was: It looks like a giant tooth. She was so proud, and we were squealing with delight. What a big girls she is getting to be. My littlest one is a reader now!

Hopefully, the rest of the day is less eventful.


Kristina said...

What a great story! You all are too much!

joan said...

I love your storytelling. I can totally picture everything in my mind. I cracked up at the comment about Skylar's bed being held up without a frame by all the toys underneath it. :)

Judy said...

Too funny. I thought you were going to say it was a raccoon and not a possum though. Pesky little creatures. I can just see you girls inside laughing at Danny while he's trying to shoo the varmit outside.

janalee said...

Ewww! I remember the ROUSs- they really grossed me out. I'm glad you got rid of the mouse, and the possum!

Mary Perry said...

Damn girl, as funny as it sort of sounds, I would have been puking and cringing.

You do tell a great story, I was right there with you and the girls. In my house, Don would have been with us, I don't have a clue who the hell would have dealt with the critters.

Cheri said...

Oh my, way too many creatures for one day!