Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Letters to Santa

Well, it's been a year since I posted the last time. I have decided that I need to appreciate this Christmas season more and plan to journal and document this season as much as possible. I want Christmas to be as magical for my kids as it was for me. Tonight, the girls wrote letters to Santa , and we sent them in to be considered for publication in the local newspaper. They are precious, so I thought I would share.


sweetpea324 said...

Good to see you blogging again :) I've been away from mine as well. Anyway, I love the letters! Gave me a big smile and chuckle.

Mom/Madre/GrannyT/Me-T said...

Adorable, Gina, thanks for sharing! Those girlies are always thinking, huh? :) Made me smile to see that you remembered Christmas as "magical". Hugs, Me-Mom

Kristina said...

I love them! I quit blogging. Takes too much of my time and I fell out of the mood.

We need to do lunch!